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Kindermann -
We proudly present

... the company

Kindermann, founded in 1861, is the oldest company in the pro AV industry and is today one of the leading suppliers acting as a manufacturer and distributor. Kindermann has always intelligently managed not only to adapt to new market conditions, but also to advance technologies.

Kindermann stands for Conferencing, Collaboration and Connectivity

The world of work and education have undergone massive changes. Collaboration in hybrid teams and digital teaching place new demands on technical equipment. This is exactly where Kindermann comes into play with its smart solutions. Smart stands for intelligent, networked, intuitive to use, but also for sophisticated design.

The company has expanded its own portfolio and is thus represented internationally. For example, the product family KLICK & SHOW is also very popular in other European countries. It shows how easily wireless collaboration and conferencing can work. The triumphant success of the Kindermann touch displays is not only based on the forward-looking technology, but is primarily due to the intuitive user interface developed in-house. At the Eibelstadt site near Würzburg, series products such as table connection panels, brackets, ceiling lifts and media furniture are developed and manufactured. In addition, exclusive customer requests can be quickly implemented here.

Supplemented by a broad product portfolio in distribution, Kindermann enjoys an excellent reputation as a full-service provider for conference, presentation and media technology, digital signage and dedicated education solutions.

Kindermann as a manufacturer and distributor, sells exclusively through qualified specialist retailers. Trade partners are supported with competent advice and individual project support - from planning to equipment and integration. Attractive special services round off the portfolio.